Knock Knock, Who’s There

Knock Knock, Who’s there?


Jesus who?

Jesus who wants to save your soul

Not now Jesus, come back later, I’m having too much fun right now.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?


Jesus who?

Jesus who wants to have a relationship with you.

Not now Jesus, I’m just not feeling that right now


Knock Knock, Who’s there?


Jesus who?

Jesus who wants to ease your pain and wipe away your tears.

Naw, that’s alright Jesus, I can do this by myself, I don’t need your help.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?


Jesus who?

Jesus who wants to quench your thirst and feed your soul.

Not now Jesus, I think I’ll rather eat and drink what I want and when I want.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?


Jesus who?

Jesus who wants to fill the void in your life.

That’s alright Jesus, I’d rather feel it with other things


Boooooooooommmmmm (the door shuts)

What was that?

Wait a minute, where am I?

Why is it so dark, and hot?

What is that smell?



Lord, Lord  please help meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!


Knock Knock, Who’s there?

It’s me Jesus

Please save my soul from this burning hell.

It’s too late, your time has run out


Knock Knock, Who’s there?

It’s me Jesus

I was wrong. I want to have a relationship with you now.

It’s too late, depart from me. You loved your sin more than you loved me.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?

It’s me Jesus

Please ease this pain, it’s so hot. My tears burn like fire

It’s too late. When I wanted to help you, you turned me away.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?

It’s me Jesus

I’m so thirsty my tongue is drier than the driest desert. Please just a drop of water will quench my thirst.

It’s too late, I tried to feed you with my word and quench your thirst forever but you refused.


Knock Knock, Who’s there?

It’s me Jesus

These worms keep going in and out of me, help me please

It’s too late. I tried to fill the void in your life, but you replaced it with other things, so now these worms represent the things you replace me with.